RT @AppsFlyer: Data-driven mobile profiles to target and retain mobile users https://t.co/V3NnSdZ96D by @nathandaniel @bidmotion https://t.co/yk6FGXQpYr
As the saying goes, “material things won't make you happy”. Which for some may seem strange, but I think there is some truth to it. A couple of years ago I bought a car that was way to expensive,...
What´s the point of loyalty programs and what value do they provide to customers? Unfortunately, the majority of loyalty programs rarely lead to increased loyalty since the benefits are too...
The companies I come across often have really neat Customer Strategies, but when I take a closer look at what I personally receive from these companies something doesn’t add up. ICA are...
From January 2016 we will publish a blog post each month. The blog will focus on areas that we have passion for and extensive knowledge within. Follow us on this journey and get tips on how you...