Marketing operations
RT @WednesdayR: Adam Due från @Vestas går igenom erfarenheter från att arbeta i @papirfly DAM system #wrbreakfast31mars
"Tydliggör behoven för att lättare kunna specificera processer och strukturer" #WRbreakfast31mars
#WRbreakfast31mars Stärk ditt varumärke samtidigt som du sparar tid & pengar #berns #papirfly #frukostseminarium
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Take control of your digital assets!
To have your digital assets scattered over a number of servers and local disks is a problem that many people faces on a daily basis. At some point along the way there has probably been one or two...
A few helpful tips for marketing departments in their planning and budget process: #marketing #budget
Prepare yourself for a successful 2017!
This time of the year is special for many marketing departments. The financial year 2016 is about to end and the planning for 2017 is about to start. It is an intense period where you have to plan...
We are hiring!
Are you passionate about marketing and help others optimize their marketing and customer dialogues? Do you have experience in marketing automation, marketing and/or CRM earlier? Have you worked in...
Welcome to our blog!
From January 2016 we will publish a blog post each month. The blog will focus on areas that we have passion for and extensive knowledge within. Follow us on this journey and get tips on how you...
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